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Photo By Niyi Tabiti
Chief Reporter

Finally,Munachi Abii concluded her tenure as Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria in the early hours of today.
She was very delighted.According to sources,he would now have enough time to hangout with Peter Okoye of Psquare fame,the new man in her life.
It was obvious that the two have so much 'heart' connection.Peter was around the Munachi and her mother and they had enough time holding hands and chatting.We also saw Peter at different times holding Munachi's bag.What more?Psquare also performed at the event and Munachi was all smiles...'He get as e dey do me,do me...!'
Alot of people have said and saw it live that the babe needs a coach on how to manage stardom.The babe is saucy and some people who got a taste of it were bitter.She did it to someone before our very eyes at Hip Hop World Awards,the same thing repeated itself at MBGN contest. Baby girl, you need a coach!


  1. Thank God Munachi’s era is over. Pride they say leads to destruction.
    If truly Munachi is rude to people, then she truly needs a coach. A good name is better than beauty (my own version).
    Good job niyi keep it up.

  2. Thank God Munachi’s term is over. Pride they say leads to destruction.
    If truly Munachi is rude to people, then she truly needs a coach. A good name is better than beauty (my own version)

  3. Munachi Abii is very sourcy indeed. Anyway, the psquare is much better than that good for nothing Lanre Nzeribe she dated last year

  4. Thank ou Niyi for the news. I am pleased munachi is off and gone for good. she says she is intellent but she does not act like one at all. she is arogant i heard. I hope she never surfaces or represent us ever again. For the new MBGN, please be a good example to my young naija girls. be good. I will be watching you all the way

  5. To Munachi Abii, if you rap I will not buy your music, if you act I will not buy the vedeo and i will tell all my friends and family not to buy anything in your name. come down to the level you once belong. Arogance and saurciness is a disrespect. you only receive respect if you respect others and that includes the way you talk and behave. i never agreed for you to represent in anything so off you go!!!

  6. what does this so called girl munachi thinks she wears, half breast and arms always out? what kind of trash dressing is this? i thought she said she doesnt like gold before. the girl done catch money man

  7. I sure hope Guy Murray realise he made a mistake making munachi abii represent us. off the way munachi. I too will not buy anything from you

  8. Munachi Abii has no class whats so ever. How did she surface or get into such competition? She was already working elsewhere appearing on videos even before her term ended, shows no respect and value for MBGN. I dont respect munachi because she could have resigned just like Bianca did. Instead the ungrateful thing went on news papers talking shit like 'being queen no longer excites me' shows that she got no value for the brand. she wants to rap and act to? what is silverbird and MBGN organisers doing about this act?

  9. ok niyi last time u said it was its peter?? is she dating 2 brothers @ the same time or what??

    alot of pple dont seem 2 like d gurl. well i dont know anything abt her so i'ld just zip it but if EVERYBODY including you Niyi is saying the same thing then there's definitely truth 2 it.
    she better not cross the borders with that cos they'ld seal her back in a box and send her back 2 where she came from.

  10. whatever happened 2 Peters girlfriend Lola???

  11. Peter go hear ween 4 Munachi sha cos he havn't seen anything yet.well i heard she's in IFUNAYA Video yet to be released.Omo i can never put my wife or girl friend in my own music video o.U see d way 2face put that he serious girl on African Queen Video,@ d end they broke up & now i heard she's prednant 4 him after having kids from other girls...Shame on

  12. i see peter sho likes them light huh? What happened with him and Lola, or was it Paul who was going out with Lola - i forgot whom.

  13. All these anons are sounding too alike and unnecessarily bitter. Damn! Even if she's truly "saucy" the way Niyi sed, i wont believe it going by the way the above anons r in! come da hell on...biko chill.


  14. Nma, u never see how munachi rude reach. the girl na razz for lagos. haleluya!!!

  15. ok niyi, i thot you said she was going out with paul and you are saying peter now...... besides, what is going on with peter and lola, cos they are very cute couple.... dont see reasons why anyone will mess that up.....Nywayz, naa dem sabi.
    Thanks for all 'em info tho, keep it up.

  16. Then munachi abii did it again! boyfriend snatcher. the evil that men do lives after them

  17. Niyi, your blog is degenerating into slime. You never even start. Just know there is a reason Bella Naija is top blogger. She never lets it get like this. These comments are just plain hateful and almost sounds like you are angry at Munachii for not granting u an interview. I know you are not brave enough to post my comment but just take the advise.

  18. Munachi Abii is generaly very rude! It is no one's fault. Nothing more nothing less!

  19. To Tope: April 2, 2008 7:18 PM
    Please check out the blogs on the site below. I dont know but I have been reading comments all over the internet and every body seem to know that Munachi Abii is rude.

  20. Ok people lets move on and leave Munachi alone. Soon no one will here of her again! I think Adaeze is pretty. She seems natural with her behaviours

  21. The Niyi Tabiti i know can't beg a Munachi for an interview.After covering MBGN about 7 times...he knows more than Munachi herseflf when it comes to MBGN.(Pls,google Niyi Tabiti)
    "Father forgive Tope because...(Baba Dari ji won ni tori...)

  22. My bad, I thought Niyi was a journalist and nobody said "beg". To request for an interview is his job. Whether u like it or not Niyi is as good as his last good interview and/or picture. Nigerians always thinking that they are more important than what the do. I praise Niyi when he has done well but letting anonycowards run folks down for behind the scene shiznit is not kosher.

  23. Tope, 100 people or more can not be wrong, there must be a little truth about every story and conenction even if all isnt accurate! Anons means you read true and reply instantly without having to waist time registering, etc. Doesnt mean we are hidding faces

  24. The best thing with this forum is that you can just leave a quick reply without having to go through procedures, if peopple had to do that, then you wouldnt get as much responce. You also have to realise that some of these comments are coming from friends or families of the person in question here, so there is a lot of truth in the stories (take my advise). People like us just want to take a quick break from the hectic day to day work and read blogs like this one, makes it easier and more interactive. Weldone Niyi!!!!!!!!

    (Quoted from the above link)
    ‘It was further learnt that Munachi the former MBGN queen has been going round telling whoever cares to listen that Peter is strongly in love with her and Lola, who first made headlines as one of the Big Girls in CELTEL some years back is now a thing of the past in the life of the singer’.

    I am sorry but Munachi is a big mistake and should never have won the MBGN. First, she was fighting over Lanre Nzeribe with Grace Egbagbe, Now she is fighting of Psqaure with Lola. What kind of a trash queen is this? It’s a total discrace!

  26. Well... for starters according to one of the soft sell magazines; it's either Encomium or City People. Lola exchanged heated words with Munachi which would have culminated to them exchanging blows/fighting, if not, for the intervention of Peter Okoye's brother.

    Lola is a big girl, granted. I am not judging her, and she should not have visited Peter according to gist, being aware that Peter did not want her to visit on the particular day. From reports given, it was as if she was unwelcome to Peter's house.

    I am not justifying Munachi's behaviour 'cause she should have respected Peter and Lola's business knowing that Lola was in the picture before her, no matter what Peter Okoye must have told her regarding himself and Lola.

    Well... it's happened, it's happened. Wishing the current couple, good luck in the relationship, and i hope it lasts - in all sincerity.

  27. Who here is claiming to be related to munachi? state your name and i'll know if ur just a lieing slob..... The truth is, being a sudden celebrity is not as easy as it sounds.. go and try and see... no one wants people in their face all the time, it cud get quite annoying, i wud probably tell peeps to leave me alone if i were in here shoes. As for all these people she's dating, its all lies... I know her bf personally, and since she's not allowed to date while reigning, she can hardly defend herself from these scandals apart from say its not true. She is happily dating a very cute guy abroad, and mind you, na marriage dem dey plan.. so i know all these stories you all are excited about are sooooo fake. Finally! I own a non-profit org. Munachi donated so much to it.. she didnt only work with and contribute to various sickle cell foundations, she also contributed to various other charities out of her own pocket!.. So please y'all get it right! she's not evil.. if i may say, u all are the evil ones, judging her when u know nothing...hisssss

  28. MBGN brand is supposed to allocate organisation such as sickle cell or any other for the winner to work on. Its been done in the past by other MBGN girl. Thats why they are been paid 1million and a car to perform such work. Munachi ca not be a hero or an exception because every other MBGN did the same.
    Oh well, maybe Lanre Nzeribe is lying because he is claiming that he had an affair with munachi last year but fund out that she is not his type.
    Ask munachi this question: did rita dominic introduce her to lanre nzeribe after grace egbagbe's birthday party? If she is your true friend, she will tell you the truth but we are optimistic she is not and will lie to keep that secret as possible!

  29. Ok, Munachi and Lola clearly had a fight over Peter. After realising she was pregnant, peter and Lola got back together and munachi was history. This was stated on lola's rescent interview that they almost broke up because of a second girl coming into the picture (i.e. Munachi Abii). Thank God they didnt break up! If Muanchi is dating a new guy outside Nigeria, good for her. She can move on with her life and stop breaking relationships up.
    And for all the other guys they said she may have dated, this is the more reason why she should have been careful from the begining on who she hangs out with. Lanre Nzeribe is just the wrong guy in anyway, any angle from his past history with women.

  30. luscious, if munachi is your friend, its natural that you defend her wether she is good or bad. i dont know is you are clear of whatMBGN stands for ut if you dot know, i will tell you here. MBGN is a brand and is meant to represent and support non profitable organisations suck as sickle cell, polio, etc. that is the whole idea of give her a free car and paying 1 million naira. I appreciate your comment but its simply a job, there is nothing to that

  31. Lusciou, a friend of mine is a friend of munachi's cousin. Now you told us she is dating a cute guy abroad, that means machi has been dating all along while she was still MBGN. That means all that crab of I have no boyfriend is a lie. How can marrage be on the card so soon? when did she hand over? Please stop fooling yourself.

    And for your information, munachi is gone and over as of when Adaeze came in who is much better and prettier than munachi! sorry babe

  32. i beg people, lets forget about this munachi girl who wasted her time fooling around. The girl's time is over and is no celebrity. Adaeze is the celebrity now. I am more interested in this


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