EYES WAKE-UP:If you’ve woken up feeling tired (or hungover) wear gold eye make- up to make your eyes look whiter, more sparkly and awake. Line eyes with a gold pencil for maximum impact.

STAY HOT AND BEAUTIFUL:This year try and cut out skin products that contain alcohol when you are in the sun. It makes your skin more photosensitive, meaning it’s much more vulnerable to sunburn.

SHAVING AID:Run out of shaving gel? Use a hair conditioner. It doesn’t nick and the silicon ingredients help prevent red bumps.

KEEP SKIN MOISTURE RICH:If you have rough bumps on your arms this could be due to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids. Adding more oily fish or nuts to your hair diet will help to moisturize your skin from within.

If you want to tackle oily skin, rub a slice of apple over the area twice a day and then splash will cold water. You’ll notice a real difference after a couple of days when the enzymes in the apple juice really start to work.

Get fuller lips, added shine and definition by using a little loose shimmery nude eyes shadow under your gloss. Dab a bit on the middle of the bottom lip and a small amount to the two arches of the upper lip.
Get rid of rough skin on your feet by mashing up a banana, putting it on your heels and leaving on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse well with warm water and your skin will be smooth and sorted.

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