I am presently with my mentoring company, Exxon Mobil in Houston.

I am truthfully having the time of my life here in Houston. Had dinner
with my mentor last night we connected so well, it just flowed (she made
me laugh so much i cried at some point).Although she is a chemical engineer
she could have been an artist or a history or Latin professor. She is
excitable for a 52year old woman, so as you can imagine, she is loads of
She took me to this HIP restaurant called Alex Bistro owned by a 30+guy,
where discussed and exchanged personal information about family.

Houston doesn’t come across as a city that is or was going through a
recession. There are gorgeous gated communities, which I guess were
previous Ranches. With the entrance of a lot of Oil companies into Houston
many of the Ranches have been redeveloped to provide accommodation for the
new settlers.
I started my day at Exxon with a 30-minute with The President/C.E.O of the
Exxon chemical company which is one of the 8-business unit of the Exxon
Group. Steve Pryor ,a 62 year old man, a biologist by training but was
significant in the recruitment and integration of the Hispanic and African
American into the Company, He was very sweet, and paid very rapt
attention to my plan while at Exxon and gave some fine advise.
Took his time to show the gift that was given to him by the African American community he had worked with as a manager: copy of the slave emancipation act handwritten by Abraham Lincoln. It was something he was so proud of!

I am truthfully having the time of my life here in Houston. Had dinner
with my mentor last night we connected so well, it just flowed (she made
me laugh so much i cried at some point).Although she is a chemical engineer
she could have been an artist or a history or Latin professor. She is
excitable for a 52year old woman, so as you can imagine, she is loads of
She took me to this HIP restaurant called Alex Bistro owned by a 30+guy,
where discussed and exchanged personal information about family.

Houston doesn’t come across as a city that is or was going through a
recession. There are gorgeous gated communities, which I guess were
previous Ranches. With the entrance of a lot of Oil companies into Houston
many of the Ranches have been redeveloped to provide accommodation for the
new settlers.
I started my day at Exxon with a 30-minute with The President/C.E.O of the
Exxon chemical company which is one of the 8-business unit of the Exxon
Group. Steve Pryor ,a 62 year old man, a biologist by training but was
significant in the recruitment and integration of the Hispanic and African
American into the Company, He was very sweet, and paid very rapt
attention to my plan while at Exxon and gave some fine advise.
Took his time to show the gift that was given to him by the African American community he had worked with as a manager: copy of the slave emancipation act handwritten by Abraham Lincoln. It was something he was so proud of!

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