Being one of my most cherished songstress, It is not possible to pass on this one. At first it was the designed t-shirts and watches, then came the eyewear range. as we are still reveling in the glamour of the Eye wear range ...BAM... comes my most favourite lines of all in fashion- FRAGRANCES.
Recently, Mary J added a sweet smelling note to her growing lifestyle brand called MY LIFE .
The songstress' named her new fragrance "My Life" after her 1994 album, which Blige says was a major turning point in her life. She explains:
"I was crying out for help, because I was going through so much. And four million women said, ‘Mary, we’re going through it, too, but you’re helping us by calling on us.’ From that day on, I began" speaking truths about my life, and about their lives, and everything around us. So it’s a special tribute to us as women. My fans and I are smart now. We know we’re smart now, but we didn’t know it then. We know we’re beautiful now, we didn’t know it then. We’re educated now, we didn’t know it then. We’re soft, we’re edgy — we’re all those things. And I wanted this perfume to represent every female’s everyday life."
The gardenia petals, Bartlett pear and white freesia scent that Mary created in partnership with beauty brand Carol's Daughter will begin selling My Life on July 31st exclusively on HSN for $46. As a bonus all purchases come with a gold clutch.
Also, for every bottle of My Life purchased, $1 will fit the Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now or FFAWN, which Blige founded.
A great idea in a bottle,don't you think?? We hope the fragrance does well!

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