Earlier on , we outlined a few things that Kate Middleton( Duchess of Cambridge) will no longer be able to do. well its not so bad as there will be a few royal goodies coming her way . It is not just the perks of being a princess and winding up with her royal man-candy- No, we're talking your own personal secretary, your own wardrobe—and the personal shoppers and designers that go with that, all the way down to your shoes. And vacation
estates, Not houses. And—yes, really—a whole group of ladies in waiting.What does that even
mean? And are your own lady helpers the best perk of being a princess? Check out what these Royal goodies will be, after the cut .
Hats No One Else Gets
And skirts. And shirts. And everything in between. Not only will Kate get her own wardrobe stylist (she already consults with a personal shopper who charges hundreds of dollars a day) but she'll get new clothes for every major occasion, such as official tour of a foreign country.
Ladies in Waiting
What the heck are those? Well, every British princess and queen has had them. They fall under the category of female personal assistant, and they're usually hand-picked by either the princess herself, her husband's new family, or both. In Kate's case, don't be surprised if the head lady turns out to be Pippa, Kate's beloved sister.
A Lovely Second Home, er, Estate
What to get the son who has everything? Rumor has it that Prince Charles will gift his groom of a son with one of his estates, particularly Highgrove, in Gloucestershire. Charles describes this particular
estate as his "family home" or "Duchy Home Farm." (Really.) And that would mean that Kate gets to hang out there whenever she feels like a pastoral escape.
Designer Cobblers
No trips to Payless for Kate! British princesses are known for choosing top shoe designers as their personal heelers. (In Diana's case, the man was, oh, just a guy named
Jimmy Choo.) Who might Kate choose? Likely, it's all up to her.
A Private Secretary Who Probably Will Not Look Like This
Every princess is expected to maintain a grueling schedule of personal appearances and trips, both official and semi-official. That would be a logistical nightmare—if not for the personal secretary, the head of a whole staff of organizers Kate is expected to get once she assumers her duties as a princess.
Best. Stationery. Ever.
Whenever Kate feels like writing a personal note—as Diana often did, classy lady like she was—she can do so on the official stationery of whatever, you know, palace she happens to be in at the moment. Kensington. Balmoral. Wherever.
A Shield with an Acorn on It

That's what this might look like to an ugly American, anyway. But to a Briton, this is a symbol of powerful new connections. It's heraldry, a family symbol granted to the Middletons by the Queen ahead of the wedding of the century. Per the palace, the
purpose was "to provide a traditional heraldic indentity for Catherine, as she marries into the Royal Family."
A Sweet City Pad
It is expected that Kate will get a very nice set of apartments at St. James Palace, for her use whenever she and her princely husband are in London.
Royal Thugs
Just like William's mother, Diana, Kate is expected to have a full complement of security goons with her at all times, but especially when she's on the road.

And not just any personal chef. Darren McGrady, who once cooked for William's mother, Diana, is already having a hand in feeding the royal couple; the chocolate biscuit groom's cake, to be served on the big day, is said to be a McGrady creation. After the wedding, Middleton's household will likely get its own dedicated chef.
Really Nice JewelryThink your Mom's heirloom string of pearls are nice? Think again. One very cool perk of being a princess: Access to the queen's Jewels—all $39 million worth. Kate won't own the baubles, of course, but borrowing is the next best thing.
It is fun to watch wealthy people and Royalty. The average person, and I am below average incomewise, would never have the opportunity to experience of see such jewelry or homes...and think of the jobs created by such a life style.